How Do You Handle Giving in a Biblical House Church?

Written By Dale PartridgeNovember 1, 2022

A short discussion helping Christians evaluate the advantages of joining a biblical house church.

Season 01 • Episode #10 • Dale Partridge and Dr. Jason Barker

Should we tithe in a biblical house church? Is tithing the same as giving? How does giving look different in a house church setting? When we give to a church, we should do so with a heart that desires to bless the church or ministry we have given to, with the hope that our funds will be used to the glory of God. We should also trust that the church or ministry we’ve given to is using what we’ve given to the glory of God. In a biblical house church, this area of worship is transparent, because we know the personal needs that each member has, and the church body desires to help and bless in ways that seem more and more impossible in a traditional house church.

In this Episode

In this episode of How We Do House Church, Dr. Jason Barker and pastor Dale Partridge discuss how a biblical house church handles giving.

The Video Episode

Resources From this Episode

Dale Partridge
Dale Partridge (@DalePartridge) is the founder of Reformation Seminary and He is a house church planter, elder, and author of several books. Dale finished his graduate studies at Western Seminary, conducted further studies at The Master's Seminary, and is currently studying at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He is the teaching pastor at Reformation Fellowship in Sedona, Arizona.